Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Module 2 Lab: Visual Interpretation of Aerial Images

This was my first module for Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation course.  The focus of this lab was on identifying features within aerial images.  The first exercise involved locating areas of an aerial image that displayed different tones.  Tones, or brightness, may help the user identify features at those locations.  Next, texture, another good diagnostic tool for feature identification was exemplified.

In the second exercise, specific features were identified using size and shape, patterns, associations, and shadows.  Once a single object is positively identified (with a high degree of certainty) than it can be used as a reference in identifying other features.  For example, once you locate and identify a road, you can confirm the identity of a vehicle.  Then a building can be identied.  Because these aerial images have no scale to reference, within-image references are very useful.  A knowledge of the area (Pensacola BEach in map 2 at right) allows the user to determine water and pier features.

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