Thursday, May 22, 2014

Module 1: Introducing Python

This is the first week on GIS 5103, GIS Programming.  We began the course with a general overview of the Python scripting language and programs, as well as the course syllabus.  Above is an image of the module folders that will be utilized throughout the course.  These folders were created by running a Python script that automatically generates the folders in the correct filepath - just one of the many uses for Python scripting language.

The script used to create these folders was provided by the instructor and we were responsible to "Run" it.  This was done in PythonWin, a scripting program that uses Python scripting language.  I was able to run the script using the following steps:
1.       With my cursor highlighting the window, I selected File > Run… [an alternative would have been to press ctrl+R]
2.       In the Run Script window, I left all fields as default and pressed OK.
3.       To check that the script ran properly I browsed through my S:\ drive and found the GISProgramming folder, checking that all the modules and embedded folders were present.

As a graduate student enrolled in the course, I was also required to read and summarized the article:

Schauble, Holger, Oswald Marinoni, Matthias Hinderer. 2008. A GIS-based method to calculate flow accumulation by considering dams and their specific operation time. Computers & Geosciences 34: 635-646. 

This article describes and encourages the use of a new method for calculating flow accumulation of water and sediment, specifically for use in scenarios involving bulk flow and multiple, sequential dams.  The method uses an expansions of a pre-existing algorithm (D8), but incorporates two important, but thus far neglected variables: trapping efficiency (TE) and specific operation time (top) of dams.  Trapping efficiency is the percentage of water or sediment that is bunged at a dam and specific operation time is the ratio of dam construction to dam observation time (or the time over which trap efficiency has been recorded).  These two variables are important because several large rivers have been dammed in multiple places over several years; thus current D8-based models are unable to adequately predict flow accumulation.

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