Thursday, May 1, 2014

Final Project: Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line Project

For our final project in 'Intro to GIS' we were put in the seat of GIS analyst asked to assess the completed Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line Project.  This was an actual project in which a new energy substation was being built, but needed a transmission line to connect with an existing energy center to the north.  The path chosen was based on meeting four objectives: 1) avoiding environmentally sensitive lands, 2) avoiding homes, 3) avoiding schools, 4) being cost efficient (i.e. not too long).  I assessed the proposed corridor based on how well it met those objectives.  Overall it sufficiently met them.  To see a detailed explanation on how I reached this conclusion, see my presentation at the bottom of this post.
Above is a map of the proposed corridor of the transmission line.  Below is a zoomed map of two environmentally sensitive areas.

Links to my Bobwhite-Manatee Project Presentation:

Have an awesome summer!


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